Games of Daze
Infomagic - Games of Daze (Summer 1995) (Disc 1 of 2).iso
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Path: bloom-beacon.mit.edu!hookup!news.mathworks.com!udel!gatech!nntp.msstate.edu!olivea!grapevine.lcs.mit.edu!bronze.lcs.mit.edu!not-for-mail
From: buglady@bronze.lcs.mit.edu (Aliza R. Panitz)
Newsgroups: rec.games.roguelike.announce,rec.games.roguelike.misc,rec.games.roguelike.moria,rec.games.roguelike.nethack,rec.games.roguelike.rogue,rec.games.roguelike.angband,rec.answers,news.answers
Subject: Roguelike Games Info and FTP Sites (FAQ)
Supersedes: <rgra_faq_797007373@BRONZE.LCS.MIT.EDU>
Followup-To: rec.games.roguelike.misc
Date: 11 Apr 1995 17:26:38 -0400
Organization: Game Addicts Anonymous
Lines: 471
Sender: buglady@bronze.lcs.mit.edu (Aliza R. Panitz)
Approved: buglady@bronze.lcs.mit.edu (Aliza), news-answers-request@mit.edu
Distribution: world
Expires: 2 May 1995 21:26:34 GMT
Message-ID: <rgra_faq_797635594@BRONZE.LCS.MIT.EDU>
Reply-To: rgra@bronze.lcs.mit.edu
NNTP-Posting-Host: bronze.lcs.mit.edu
Summary: General description of roguelike computer adventure games. List
of features and FTP sites for all known roguelike games,
including Rogue, Hack, NetHack, Moria, Larn, Omega, Angband, etc.
Keywords: roguelike rogue hack nethack larn moria angband omega games dungeon
Xref: bloom-beacon.mit.edu rec.games.roguelike.announce:162 rec.games.roguelike.misc:1581 rec.games.roguelike.moria:1842 rec.games.roguelike.nethack:9616 rec.games.roguelike.rogue:456 rec.games.roguelike.angband:13193 rec.answers:11240 news.answers:38816
Archive-name: games/roguelike
Last-modified: 95-03-27
Posting-Frequency: weakly (every seven to nine days)
URL: http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/hypertext/faq/usenet/games/roguelike/faq.html
Roguelike Adventure Games
0.) News flashes
1.) What are the roguelike games?
2.) List of major roguelike games
3.) List of minor roguelike games
4.) List of "multi-user roguelike games"
5.) What are *not* roguelike games?
6.) How to get files by FTP
7.) About this FAQ...
Subject: 0.) News flashes
02/??/95: NEW GAME! Alphaman (PC only)
02/??/95: WWW: Home page at http://www.win.tue.nl/games/roguelike/
02/01/95: KEEP: This game cannot be released for legal reasons, so
please do not write to the old maintainer asking for it.
12/18/94: NEW GAME! Ragnarok (PC only, Shareware release)
Subject: 1.) What are the roguelike games?
A long time ago, on a computer system far, far, away, there was rogue.
Players wandered a dungeon, hacking and slashing at monsters, gaining
treasures, becoming more powerful, and living their D&D nightmares.
Rogue was a good game; people still play it. It was even distributed
with many copies of Unix. But rogue is a relatively simple and limited
game compared to most of the descendants it has spawned...
Although the common features of rogue and its many descendants are
'obvious' to many people, they are difficult to describe in simple
terms. Generally, the games mentioned below are single-user, fantasy
role-playing computer games, generally set in a dungeon, run with
a simple character-graphic interface. In all of the games, the player
controls a single character, who roams around getting more powerful,
in order to fulfill a difficult quest. Sword-and-sorcery rule the
day. Logistically, they're all free games; executables, and generally
sources, are available by FTP.
The similarities end there, though. More information can be found
in the 6 UseNet newsgroups dedicated to rogue and its descendants -
rec.games.roguelike.nethack, rec.games.roguelike.moria,
rec.games.roguelike.rogue, rec.games.roguelike.angband,
rec.games.roguelike.misc, and rec.games.roguelike.announce
(alt.games.omega belongs in this list, but is a poorly propagated
group, which many readers cannot access.)
Below are listed basic information about all roguelike games known to
me, in alphabetical order. I've listed the main ftp site(s) for each
game; however, it's polite to use mirror sites, if closer to you,
especially if you're not in the same continent.
Subject: 2.) List of major roguelike games
Listed below are the 'major' roguelike games. Please note that my
definitions of 'major' versus 'minor' games are pretty arbitrary. In
most cases, games without a well-known ftp site for sources get to
be listed as 'minor', whatever else their qualifications may be. (All
of my information comes from trolling the various newsgroups; if your
favorite game isn't listed, send mail to rgra@bronze.lcs.mit.edu)
If you have WWW access, (Mosaic, Lynx, NetScape, etc.) a Home Page for
the major Roguelike games is at
URL: http://www.win.tue.nl/games/roguelike/
GAME: Angband
Release: 2.7.3v2 (Unix/Linux/DOS/OS2/MS-Windows/Mac, 03/95)
2.7.4 beta
Newsgroup: rec.games.roguelike.angband
FTP Site: linc.cis.upenn.edu/pub/angband
FAQ Avail: cteague@cs.umb.edu (Charles F. Teague II)
jth@acpub.duke.edu (Mac version only.)
Spoilers: ftp.cis.ksu.edu/pub/Games/Angband/doc (from early 1994)
WWW: http://www.lm.com/users/peterb/angband/angband.html
Maint.: Ben Harrison <benh@linc.cis.upenn.edu> (03/95)
Platforms: Unix, PC, Mac, Amiga, Atari, ...
Features: infinite random dungeon. unique monsters and artifacts.
Misc: Still somewhat close to Moria in feel.
Variants: BAngband (obsolete), FAngband, SAngband (0.8), QAngband (1.4.1)
Some unofficial variants live in ftp.cis.ksu.edu:/pub/upload
GAME: Moria
Release: 5.5.2 (07/26/94)
Newsgroup: rec.games.roguelike.moria (was rec.games.moria)
FTP Site: ftp.cis.ksu.edu:/pub/Games/Moria/*
or mail 'help' to mailserver@cis.ksu.edu
FAQ Avail: grabiner@math.harvard.edu (David Grabiner) Posted twice monthly.
Spoilers: At the ftp site.
WWW: http://www2.ecst.csuchico.edu/~beej/moria/moria.html
Platforms: Unix, PC, Mac, VMS, Amiga, Atari, ...
Features: Infinite dungeon. Restocking stores. 6 classes/8 races.
Misc: What is generally discussed is more properly called Umoria
Variants: PMoria, IMoria (VMS only; see Moria FAQ), Morgul, Druid Moria,
Purple X (Mac), CWMMoria (Amiga); see also Angband, BOSS.
GAME: NetHack
Release: 3.1.3 (7/93)
Newsgroup: rec.games.roguelike.nethack (was rec.games.hack)
FTP Site: linc.cis.upenn.edu:/pub/NH3.1/* {}
FAQ Avail: seth@cie-2.uoregon.edu, posted weekly (FAQ and "Spoiler FAQ")
Spoilers: ftp.uu.net:/usenet/comp.sources.games/volume13/nh-spoilers3/*
(WCST spoilers, monster listings, game variants, etc)
WWW: http://www.win.tue.nl/games/roguelike/nethack/
Platforms: Unixes, Mac, PC, NT, OS/2, Amiga, VMS, Atari, X
Features: Everything including the kitchen sink
Misc: ChrHack and NhSound add-ons available
Variants: Hack Lite (see below), NetHack--, NhPlus, NHTNG
Subject: 3.) List of minor roguelike games
Listed below are what I know of the 'minor' roguelike games. In most
cases, my information is pretty skimpy, and way out-of-date.
Release: 2.0
Newsgroup: rec.games.roguelike.moria (was rec.games.moria)
FTP Site: ftp.cis.ksu.edu:/pub/Games/Moria/BOSS/*
FAQ Avail: At the ftp site
Spoilers: At the ftp site
Platforms: VMS; Mac (beta); Unix port Real Soon Now
Features: Cyberpunk Moria
Misc: "A game you can win in a weekend"
Mac beta version supported by markv@isy.liu.se
GAME: Hack
Release: ? (1.0.2, 1.0.3, 5.2 are all floating around)
Newsgroup: rec.games.roguelike.nethack or rec.games.roguelike.misc
FTP Site: check comp.sources.games (or net.sources) archive sites
ftp.cica.indiana.edu:/pub/pc/win3/games/w_ohack.zip (MS-Windows)
(requires /pub/pc/win3/utils/w_one49.zip )
ftp.win.tue.nl:/pub/games/nethack/Msdos/hack101.zip (MsDos)
FAQ Avail: No
Spoilers: ?
Platforms: Unix, PCs, Atari ST, probably others
Features: And your little dog too!
Misc: Distributed with some Unixes
GAME: Hack Lite
Release: 2.8.1 (07/94)
Newsgroup: rec.games.roguelike.nethack or rec.games.roguelike.misc or
FTP Site: wuarchive.wustl.edu (or any AmiNET site)
ftp.win.tue.nl:/pub/games/nethack/Msdos or /Amiga
(binaries only, source not available)
FAQ Avail: No
Spoilers: No
Platforms: Amiga, MS-DOS
Features: graphics; contact ponds!squink!biljir@dg-rtp.dg.com (Alan Beale)
Misc: "NetHack made simple"
GAME: Keep
Release: Not publically available.
Newsgroup: rec.games.roguelike.misc
FTP Site: None.
FAQ Avail: ?
Spoilers: ?
Platforms: ?
Features: Escape from a keep, starting in the garden
Misc: Last sighted at UCSC in 1991
Cannot be released for legal reasons.
GAME: Larn
Release: 12.2 was posted to comp.sources.games
Newsgroup: rec.games.roguelike.misc
FTP Site: ftp.uu.net:/usenet/comp.sources.games/volume11/larn (
FAQ Avail: ?
Spoilers: ?
Platforms: PCs, Unix, Atari ST, Amiga, more?
Features: Time-limited quest; no character classes; variable difficulty
Misc: Good beginner game. Executables I've seen have exploitable bugs.
Ularn is a descendant of Larn, adding character classes.
GAME: Omega
Release: 0.80 patch level 2 (94/07/??), "0.75-derived" (Mac)
Newsgroup: rec.games.roguelike.misc, alt.games.omega
FTP Site: ftp.std.com:/src/games/omega3.tar.Z (0.75)
FAQ Avail: Posted by cory@wwa.com (Cory L. Kerens)
Spoilers: Occasionally posted. (by whom???)
WWW: ?
Maint.: Erik Max Francis (omega@alcyone.darkside.com) (02/95)
Platforms: Unix, PC, Amiga, Atari ST, MS-Windows, OS/2, Mac
Features: Multi-dungeons; Fractional speeds; Quests; Personality
Misc: Rewrite by Tom O Breton (tob@world.std.com) in progress.
GAME: PMoria
Release: ?
Newsgroup: rec.games.roguelike.moria (was rec.games.moria)
FTP Site: ?
FAQ Avail: No
Spoilers: No
Platforms: ?
Features: More classes/races/spells/monsters. Quiver slot.
Misc: Descended from UMoria 5.5
Maintained by jls11@po.CWRU.Edu (John L. Spetz)
GAME: Ragnarok
Release: 2.2
Newsgroup: rec.games.roguelike.misc
FTP Site: poppy.engr.ucdavis.edu/rag22.exe (executable only)
chiara.dei.unipd.it:/pub/ragnarok {}
ftp.win.tue.nl:/pub/games/ragnarok/rag22.exe (executable only)
FAQ Avail: No
Spoilers: ftp.win.tue.nl:/pub/games/ragnarok/spoilers.txt
WWW: http://thor.chemie.uni-dortmund.de/misc/ragnarok.html
Maint.: Thomas Boyd <tfboyd@ucdavis.edu>
Platforms: MS-DOS + VGA; may be ported if there is interest
Features: NetHackish game with graphics; Norse mythos; quests
Misc: Shareware release (12/94) of commercial game.
GAME: Rogomatic
Release: ?
Newsgroup: rec.games.roguelike.rogue
FTP Site: ftp.uu.net:/pub/games/rogomatic.tar.Z
FAQ Avail: ?
Spoilers: This *is* a spoiler!
Platforms: ?
Features: Plays rogue for you! Well!
Misc: *Very* version-dependant, apparently
GAME: Rogue
Release: 5.3 ?
Newsgroup: rec.games.roguelike.rogue (was rec.games.rogue)
FTP Site: Only "officially" released as VAX binaries with BSD Unix
ftp.uu.net:usenet/comp.sources.games/volume1/rogue (Stoehr clone)
macbeth.cogsci.ed.ac.uk:/pub/rogue.zip } 1984 PC port (Lane)
ftp.digex.net:/pub/access/buglady/rogue.zip } v 1.1 Mr.McTesq
FAQ Avail: ?
Spoilers: ?
Platforms: Unix, PC, Atari ST, Amiga (by Epyx); Mac version 'in progress'
Features: ?
Misc: This is where it all started; urogue and srogue and bugs, oh my!
GAME: The Land
Release: ?
Newsgroup: rec.games.roguelike.misc
FTP Site: ?
FAQ Avail: ?
Spoilers: ?
Platforms: IBM PC with CGA graphics
Features: ?
Misc: Set in the world of Thomas Covenant; probably copyrighted
Subject: 4.) List of "multi-user roguelike games"
Listed below are "multi-user roguelike games". Yeah, yeah, I know, I
said at the top that all roguelike games were single-player. I lied.
GAME: Myth
Release: 1.06
Newsgroup: rec.games.roguelike.misc
FTP Site: ftp.iesd.auc.dk:/pub/games/myth/myth-1.06.tar.gz (source)
ftp.iesd.auc.dk:/pub/games/myth/binary/sparc.tar.Z (SPARC executable)
FAQ Avail: No
Spoilers: No
Platforms: SPARC binary, source should be portable
Features: "proof of concept for a multiplayer roguelike game"
Misc: Latest revisions by Per Abrahamsen <myth@iesd.auc.dk>
GAME: Phantasia
Release: 3.1.3 (June 1986)
Newsgroup: rec.games.roguelike.misc
FTP Site: Archie sez:
10 bytes of fame for locating a site with working code...
FAQ Avail: ?
Spoilers: ?
Platforms: Berkeley Unix
Features: Multiuser game.
Misc: ?
GAME: CrossFire
Release: crossfire-0.91.6 (11/11/94)
Newsgroup: rec.games.roguelike.misc, also an active mailing list (send
mail to crossfire-request@ifi.uio.no with the subject "subscribe")
FTP Site: ftp.world.net:/pub/crossfire (
yoyo.cc.monash.edu.au:/pub/crossfire (
ftp.ifi.uio.no:/pub/crossfire (
FAQ Avail: In INSTALL directory of source distribution.
Spoilers: With release (in doc sub directory) and 'around the Web'
WWW: http://www.cm.cf.ac.uk:/Crossfire/
Platforms: X-windows under Unix ; need ANSI compiler
Features: Multiplayer graphical arcade/adventure game with map editor
Misc: Supported by master@rahul.net (Mark Wedel)
Servers: sonja.math.virginia.edu 13326
fermat.dartmouth.edu 13326
corpse.ecst.csuchico.edu 13326
beer.csua.berkeley.edu 13326
Subject: 5.) What are *not* roguelike games?
The following games have been reported as being roguelike in previous
versions of this list, but further information has shown that they are not:
Wanderer: a box-pushing puzzle like sokoban. (In c.s.g archives...)
Conquer, xconq: Multiplayer strategic wargame (cs.bu.edu, jyu.fi)
There are a lot of things that aren't quite in the category of
roguelike games, but that keep creeping into the roguelike
For information about commercial games like Ultima, Wizardry, etc.:
For information about playing D&D or other fantasy roleplaying games
with other human beings, face-to-face or by e-mail:
For information about Multi-User-Dungeon games on the Internet:
For information about other games to play when you feel like bashing
innocent bits and bytes:
Finally, there are text-mode puzzle games, like Adventure, Zork, and the
whole family of Infocom text adventure games. If you want to *play*:
If you'd rather *write* them:
If what you're looking for isn't listed above, don't post to the
roguelike groups - you'll just annoy the Ancient Dragons - try:
Subject: 6.) How to get files by FTP
Pretty much everything mentioned here is available by anonymous FTP.
FAQ lists cross-posted to news.answers and rec.answers can be gotten
from rtfm.mit.edu (, under /pub/usenet/news.answers or
under /pub/usenet/more.specific.group.name
"anonymous FTP" is just a way for files to be stored where anyone on
the Internet can retrieve them over the Net. For example, to retrieve
the latest version of the FTP FAQ, do the following:
> ftp rtfm.mit.edu /* connect to the site; a message follows */
> anonymous /* type this when it asks for your name */
> <your email address> /* type your address as the password */
> cd /pub/usenet /* go to the directory you want to be in */
> cd news.announce.newusers
/* one level down (no slash). */
> dir /* look at what's there */
> get Anonymous_FTP:_Frequently_Asked_Questions_(FAQ)_List
/* get the file; case-sensitive */
> quit /* stop this mysterious thing */
If your FTP program complains that it doesn't know where the site you
want to use is, type the numerical address instead of the sitename:
> ftp /* connect with numerical address */
If you don't have ftp access, send e-mail to mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu
with the single word "help" in the body of the message.
Getting binary files (executables, or any compressed files) is only
slightly more difficult. You need to set binary mode inside FTP before
you transfer the file.
> binary /* set binary transfer mode */
> ascii /* set back to text transfer mode */
FAQs and other lists are generally ascii files; everything else is
generally binary files. When in doubt, use binary transfers, since
they will work for all files.
Some common extensions on binary files in archive sites are:
.Z Compressed; extract with uncompress
.tar.Z Compressed 'tape archive'; uncompress then untar or tar -xvf
.gz or .z Gnu gzip; use gunzip (prep.ai.mit.edu:/pub/gnu/gzip.*.tar)
.tgz Gnu gzip of a tar archive; read the gzip man page.
.sit (Mac) StufIt archive
.zip (PC) Extract with Zip or Unzip
.zoo (PC) Yet another archive/compress program
.lzh (Unix and PC) Yet another...
.arj (PC) and another...
.lha (Amiga) Common archive format.
.exe (PC) Self-extracting archives - just execute them.
[Note: sometimes non-archived executables are stored.]
.uue or .UUE Transfer as text file; use uudecode to convert to binary
.hqx (Mac) BinHex format; transfer in text mode
Generic help can be found in the FAQs of comp.binaries.<your_system_type> for
how to transfer, extract, and virus-check binary files. (At rtfm.mit.edu)
If you can't FTP from your site, use one of the following ftp-by-mail servers:
For complete instructions, send a message reading "help" to the server.
Some FTP sites, such as ftp.cis.ksu.edu, have dedicated mailservers that
will send you files only from that site; it causes less network load to
use local FTP servers where they exist.
If you don't know exactly what you're looking for, or exactly where it
is, there are programs and servers that can help you. For more info,
send e-mail to mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu with the body of the
message reading:
send usenet/news.answers/finding-sources
Subject: 7.) About this FAQ...
That's all, folks.
This FAQ is updated frequently; the most recent version can always
be found in rtfm.mit.edu:/pub/usenet/news.answers/games/roguelike
Additions and corrections can be sent to rgra@bronze.lcs.mit.edu
Many thanks to the people who send me info!
This entire FAQ is copyrighted by the author, Aliza R. Panitz.
Permission is granted to archive or redistribute it, provided that
(1) there is no charge, and (2) the file remains intact, including
this copyright notice. Write me for permission to use excerpts.